
Deal or No Deal 필라델피아 open casting

NBC 방속 중 Deal or No Deal이라고 하는 굉장히 인기 있는 쇼가 있다. 지현이랑 내가 굉장히 즐겨 보는 프로이며, 이 쇼를 모르는 미국인이 없을 정도로 인기가 많은 쇼이다. 퀴즈쇼와 같이 큰 지식이나 머리를 써야하는 게임은 아니다. 순전히 운과 배짱이 필요한 게임이며, 잘하면 백만불을 이길 수 있는 게임인데, 일반인들도 부담없이 즐길 수 있는 쇼라서인지 많은 인기가 있다. 게임에 대해서 더 자세히 알고 싶으면 위키피디어를 참고하면 된다.

몇 일전에 이 쇼를 보면서 “나도 저 프로그램에 나가보고 싶다”라는 생각을 갑자기 하였으며, 인터넷을 뒤지다가 바로 오늘 (12월15일) 필라델피아에서 open audition을 한다는 소식을 접하고, 꼭 한번 나가야 겠다고 벼르고 있었다. 오전 9시반에 오디션이 진행되는 Philadelphia Convention Center에 도착하니 이미 엄청나게 많은 인파가 몰려와 있었다. 필라델피아의 모든 시민들이 와 있는게 아날까라는 생각이 들 정도였다. 언제 이 많은 사람들이 다 오디션을 하고 내 차례가 올까 걱정을 하면서 하염없이 줄을 서서 기다렸다. 한 5시간 정도 기다렸나? 사회자가 이제부터 추가 입장은 받지 않고, 현재 건물 안에 있는 사람들만을 대상으로 오디션을 하겠다고 선언하였다. 휴, 그래도 오디션은 할 수 있어서 다행이다. 오디션 과정은 굉장히 간단하다. 일단 application form을 즉석에서 작성해야한다. 기본적인 신상명세와 “가장 운이 좋았던 순간” “가장 부끄러웠던 순간” “백만불이 생기면 무었을 하겠는가”와 같은 단답형 질문들이 몇 가지 있다. 이 application form을 작성 한 후, 10명이 한 그룹이 되어서 방송 담당자 앞에서 인당 30초씩 본인에 대한 설명 및 pitch를 하는거다. 3분도 아니고 30초! 30초 동안 횡설수설 하려고 내가 과연 아침부터 와서 6시간을 기다렸나?

그래도 열심히 준비를 해서 30초 동안 멋진 pitch를 하였다. 내 이름, 백그라운드, 현재 직업등에 대해서 간단히 소개하고 백만불을 따면 뭘 할지에 대해서도 잘 설명을 하였다. 소위 말해서 다들 어떻게 한번 튀어보려고 정말 별 쇼를 다 하는데, 나는 오히려 차분하게 설명하는게 더 좋은 인상을 심어 줄 수 있을거 같아서 그냥 조용히 설명하였다. 실제 쇼에 내가 나갈 확률은 굉장히 낮지만 그래도 약간의 기대를 걸고 기다려 보면 재미있을거 같다. 아마도 빠르면 올해 안으로 발표가 날거 같은데, 만약에 정말로 내가 Deal or No Deal 쇼에 나간다면 정말 근사한 경험이 될 듯 싶다. 결과에 대해서는 블로그를 통해서 알려주도록 하겠다.

10 Rules for Startup Success from Loic Le Meur

eBay의 창업자인 Pierre Omidyar과 함께 프랑스를 대표하는 유명한 entrepreneur인 Loic Le Meur 선생의 벤처를 해서 성공하려면 지켜야할 10계명이 Financial Times에 올라와서 여기 소개한다. 단순히 책에서 나온 내용이 아닌, 프랑스 대통령 니콜라스 사르코지가 가끔씩 조언을 구할 정도로 노련한 사람의 실제 경험에서 우러나온 의견이다.

● Don’t wait for a revolutionary idea. It will never happen. Just focus on a simple, exciting, empty space and execute as fast as possible
● Share your idea. The more you share, the more you get advice and the more you learn. Meet and talk to your competitors.
● Build a community. Use blogging and social software to make sure people hear about you.
● Listen to your community. Answer questions and build your product with their feedback.
● Gather a great team. Select those with very different skills from you. Look for people who are better than you.
● Be the first to recognise a problem. Everyone makes mistakes. Address the issue in public, learn about and correct it.
● Don’t spend time on market research. Launch test versions as early as possible. Keep improving the product in the open.
● Don’t obsess over spreadsheet business plans. They are not going to turn out as you predict, in any case.
● Don’t plan a big marketing effort. It’s much more important and powerful that your community loves the product.
● Don’t focus on getting rich. Focus on your users. Money is a consequence of success, not a goal.

Why Warren Buffett’s Keen on Korea

오늘 BusinessWeek지를 보니, Warren Buffett과 한국과 관련된 재미있는 기사가 있었다. 지난 번에 소개하였던 Jeremy Siegel 교수가 쓴 글과도 일맥상통하는 내용같다.

Why Warren Buffett’s Keen on Korea
“Attractively priced” stocks, healthy debt ratios, plus solid manufacturing prowess position Korea to profit from growth in China and the Mideast
by Moon Ihlwan

In other parts of the world, South Korea’s gross domestic product growth—projected at around 5% this year—would make it a high-profile destination for portfolio managers. But since Korea is in Asia, the country is largely overshadowed by the dazzling economic performances of China and India. As concerns grow about overvalued Chinese and Indian stocks, though, money managers shuffling their Asian portfolios are finding Korea increasingly attractive. For American billionaire investor Warren Buffett, for example, China is out, and Korea is in. During his visit to Asia late last month, Buffett cautioned against overreaching in China. Yet he expressed confidence in Korean equities, describing the country as “one of the world’s most attractively priced markets.”
Indeed, Buffett’s holding in Korean steelmaker Posco (PKXFF) is one of his top-performing stock investments this year. Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) spent $572 million over the past three years or so for a 4% stake in Posco, one of the most profitable steelmakers on the planet, and that stake is now worth well over $2 billion. Berkshire recently sold off its shares in PetroChina, the only Chinese company it owned, but Buffett said during his brief visit to Korea on Oct. 25 that he would hang on to Posco. “It’s a great company and great companies get worth more and more,” he said.
Certainly Korea is not immune to the turmoil shaking markets worldwide. Shocks from the U.S. credit crisis and soaring oil prices have pared the Seoul exchange’s benchmark Kospi index by around 9% this month. Weaker-than-expected tech demand has sent prices nose-diving in memory chips (, 6/15/07), where the Koreans rule.
Samsung Electronics (SSNGY), the bellwether for the country’s information technology sector, has fallen nearly 15% this year and has laid off some 1,600 workers, almost 2% of its workforce.

Korea Excels in Shipbuilding
Still, the benchmark Kospi index is up about 30% from the end of last year, a reflection of strong growth in other parts of the Korean economy. A major attraction is the country’s manufacturing prowess in diversified industries. Korea’s shipbuilding, steel, petrochemical, and other smokestack companies are booming as emerging economies spend heavily to build up their infrastructure and as their shipping trade explodes. “A number of Korean companies are dominant forces in cyclical industries and have historically outperformed their global peers when their industries are in an upswing,” says Yang Ho Chull, chief executive of Morgan Stanley (MS) Korea. “What’s particularly attractive for portfolio managers is the strong performance of these companies, fueled by the rapid growth of China.”
Consider the shipbuilding industry. As China turns into the factory of the world, demand for new ships to carry China trade is expected to remain strong until at least 2010, according to a report by the Bank of Korea, the central bank in Seoul. That means Korea’s shipbuilding firms, which built 41% of all ships delivered last year and include the world’s top three players—Hyundai Heavy Industries (HYHZF), Samsung Heavy Industries (SMSHF), and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Engineering (DWOSF)—will enjoy a boom (, 5/18/07) for a few more years.
The influx of shipbuilding revenue to Korea is so huge that the central bank warned this month against further appreciation of the Korean currency. The shipbuilders, who are sitting on enough work for almost four years, cash in their future revenues to be received in dollars on the forward market to hedge against currency risks. Banks that take up the forward deals then sell dollars for the won on the spot market to offset their dollar forward purchases, and subsequently borrow dollars abroad to settle their spot deals, in the process pushing up the won. Little wonder the share price of Hyundai Heavy, the global shipbuilding leader, has more than tripled so far this year. On Nov. 8, the world’s top shipbuilder released its third-quarter results, reporting that its net profit more than doubled, to $475 million, from $230 million in the July-September period last year.

Greater Transparency Means Higher Stock Prices
Other cyclical sectors such as steel and petrochemical industries are also benefiting from rapid development of emerging markets. LG Chem (LGCLY), Korea’s largest petrochemical company, churns out products ranging from plastics to flooring and automotive parts. It posted a 73% jump in its net profit, to $229 million, in the third quarter. LG shares have jumped 120% so far this year.
The introduction of global corporate standards in Korea since the 1997 Asian crisis has also paved the way for share gains. “In the past, the Korean market has traded at a relative discount because of a lack of transparency and liquidity; but with significant improvement in these areas, the discount, at least for the leading 40 or 50 Korean companies, is disappearing. It is no longer a major issue,” reckons Yang at Morgan Stanley.
Corporate restructuring since the crisis has also improved the financial health of Korean companies. Economist Lim Kyung Mook at Korea Development Institute, a government-funded think tank, points out that the country’s average corporate debt, which used to be as high as four times equity in the late 1990s, has been cut to below 100% of equity. “Many Korean companies are now sitting on a cash pile big enough for them to weather a downturn and reap handsome profits from the next upturn,” Lim says.

Higher Oil Prices Help Korean Contractors
Take LG.Philips LCD (LPL), which has maintained its debt level well below half its equity. The world’s second-largest maker of liquid-crystal display (LCD) panels was bleeding red ink for four consecutive quarters until March of this year because of a supply glut in the industry. Yet the company last month reported a net profit of $573 million for the July-September period, its strongest profit in 13 quarters, against a loss of $249 million a year earlier, as demand for thin panels for computers and TVs grew.
Even an upsurge in oil prices is translating into a bonanza for engineering and construction companies in oil-importing Korea. That’s because the Koreans take a big chunk of the red-hot Middle East construction market. Much of the money earned from high oil prices is spent in building new refineries, petrochemical plants, highways and water desalinization plants, where Korean contractors are strong.
There’s no sign the stream of new construction orders will slow soon. In Dubai, the world’s largest building, the world’s largest indoor ski slope, and three artificial islands shaped like palm trees are all under construction. Saudi Arabia is building the $27 billion King Abdullah Economic City. And Kuwait plans to double its refining capacity at a cost of $14 billion. “The Middle East countries have never been so determined to set up their own industrial base,” says Hong Sung Il, a general manager at Samsung Engineering (SGRGF), a specialist plant contractor whose share price more than doubled so far this year. “The construction boom there will continue at least until the end of this decade.” Korean companies have won $25.6 billion worth of construction contracts in the first nine months of this year, up from $12.6 billion a year earlier, according to Seoul’s Construction & Transportation Ministry.

Decoupling from the U.S. Economy
The dwindling dependence of Korea’s cyclical industries on the U.S. economy is good news in the face of slower consumer spending in America (, 11/26/07). “To some extent, the Korean economy has been decoupled from the U.S. economy,” says Chang In Hwan, chief executive at Seoul fund manager KTB Asset Management. “A spending crunch in America will be felt much more mildly here now than it was a few years ago,” he says.
Encouraged by the more balanced industrial strength, a growing number of Korean consumers are putting their money in stocks instead of in real estate and bank deposits. The amount of money in equity mutual funds, or investment trust funds as they are known locally, reached $111 billion this month, up from $50 billion at the end of last year. “Short-term corrections and fluctuations are inevitable, but in the longer term better corporate profitability and improved liquidity will drive the Korean market upward,” says Chang.

Sarah Chang Plays Mendelssohn

주말에 와이프와 오랜만에 문화생활을 해볼까 인터넷을 뒤져보니 이번 주말에 바이올리니스트 장영주 (Sarah Chang) 씨의 멘델스존 콘서트가 있어서 큰 맘 먹고 $83 표를 두개 샀다. 지현이는 예술에 조예가 깊지만, 나야 뭐 무식해서 클래식 음악은 잘 모르지만 그래도 장영주씨와 같이 유명한 Korean을 필라델피아 촌구석에서 볼 수 있다는 기대를 하고 Verizon Hall에 입장하였다.

부끄러운 사실이지만, 오늘 태어나서 처음으로 오케스트라 연주를 봤다 ㅎㅎㅎ. 그리고 아주 대박으로 감동을 받았다. 일단, 장영주씨의 집중력과 열정에 크게 감동을 받았다. 어떻게 이 많은 관중들 앞에서 저렇게 작은 바이올린에 온 정신을 집중할 수 있을까…솔직히 조금 부러웠다. 나는 장영주씨 같이 현재 내 본분에 110%의 열정을 쏟아 붇고 있는가…스스로 매우 초라해졌다. 

그리고 또 놀란점은 오케스트라에서 뿜어져나오는 에너지였다. TV에서 보는 오케스트라는 상당히 정적이었으며, 얌전한 group이었는데 실제로 콘서트 홀에서 보니 엄청난 에너지를 발산하는 dynamic한 유기체라는 느낌을 받았다. 50개가 넘는 재각기 다른 악기들이 지휘자의 leadership하에 보이는 극도의 절제…그리고 그 절제된 움직에서 발산되는 에너지…상당히 좋았으며 오케스트라의 에너지를 내가 흡수한거와 같이 기분이 좋아졌다.

집에와서 조사를 해보니 장영주씨가 태어난 곳이 필라델피아였다. 그래서 필라델피아 사람들이 그렇게 기립박수를 치고 좋아했구나…

Lunch with Min

오늘 (금)은 와튼의 여성 비즈니스 클럽인 WWIB (Wharton Women In Business) 주최의 conference가 시내에서 열려서 그런지 검은 정장 입은 여자들이 시내에서 많이 보였다. 2007년 와튼 졸업생이자, 어린 시절 나와 같이 스페인에서 자란 민정이가 WWIB 행사의 한 세션인 Tea Chat (차를 마시면서 자유롭게 재학생과 동문이 career와 관련하여 이야기하는 세션)에 동문 자격으로 초청받아서, 오랜만에 필라델피아에서 같이 점심을 먹기로 하였다.

민정이는 스페인에서 고등학교까지 다니고 Brown 대학 졸업 후 부동산 관련 투자 회사에서 일을 하였다. 직장을 그만두고 글을 쓰는 작가 준비를 하다가 (원래 글 쓰는 솜씨가 좋았다) 갑자기 와튼에 입학을 하였는데, 졸업 후에도 부동산 관련일을 계속 하고 있다. 현재는 Morgan Stanley의 부동산 Investment Management (정확히 뭐하는건지는 나도 잘 모르겠다 ㅎㅎ) 부서에서 굉장히 잘나가고 있는걸로 알고 있다. 민정, 민정이와 같은 해에 졸업한 또 다른 한국인인 Lana, 우리 와이프 그리고 나 이렇게 4명이서 Walnut 17번가에 있는 Pietro’s Coal Oven Pizza에서 옛날 이야기 하면서 재미있게 식사를 하였다. 결국 이야기의 주제는 Wharton과 와튼의 수업, 인터뷰를 어떻게 하는가 등등…

친구이지만 학교 선배의 입장에서 유용한 정보를 많이 얻을 수 있었다. 그러고 보면 내 주위에도 참 좋은 사람들과 잘 나가는 친구들이 많은거 같다. 물론, 스스로 잘되는것이 가장 중요하지만, 그 주위 사람들과 같이 성공하면 인생의 즐거움이 배가 되겠지…